Thursday, July 23, 2009

Toolbox Studies: Value in Art

Josh - this is a hugh improvement on his art Josh has always opted for stick figures so its been fun seeing him grow in this.

  • Monday:
    Artist: Durer : Praying Hands

    Discuss value, prepare a value scale help us understand the concept. Apply the idea by looking at a scene using value as a means of providing contrast and communicating the nature of the object being drawn.

    "Greek Ship" - by Josh

  • Tuesday:
    Artist: Durer : The Knight, Death and the Devil
    Look at the pictures we drew in the previous lesson. Did we manage to use value in our drawing. Find a picture to copy and using our value scale try to reproduce the drawing in pencil, using value to portray the various changes in color.

    "The Woodbasket" by Beth

  • Wednesday:
    Artist: Durer : Self Portrait
    Looking at value between colors in relation to other colors. Discuss. Draw a picture to give to someone special. Choose a subject that they are fond of. Remember to continue to work on value as you draw.

  • Thursday Artist: Durer : The Hare. for the end of this art lesson choose one of the pictures that we have studied and imitate it. See if you can spot any of the elements of art that we have previously discussed.

    "Paint Brush" by Beth Taken off the cover of Dutch Colour.

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