Outside my window...
Its a cool clear post storm day.
I am listening to...
Chris Rice "Clumsy" I'd forgotten how uplifting good Christian music can be.
I am thinking...
How much I am looking forward to heading away for my first Christian homeschooler's retreat next month...
I am thankful for...
A husband who has learned to understand me and love me.
From the learning rooms...
Umm... I'm writing this in avoidance of getting my planning sorted for tomorrow - we're playing catch up on a day that went south.
From the kitchen...
Smells of a Winter casserole - the kids helped clean out my vege bin, peeling carrots chopping leeks. Healing fun!
I am wearing...
A Denim skirt and soft, lilac, wool jersey - crash clothes, comfy and casual.
I am reading...
Composition in the Classical Tradition - in an effort to give some structure to our writing lessons. As much as I love Classical Writing and the progym I need a more relaxed expression of it if its going to work in our home-school.
I am praying for ...
Reconciliation in a difficult relationship, and being spared the storm that is probably coming in it.
I am hearing...
My oldest and youngest laughing over strategy in a game of chess.
Around the house...
The clutter of a day that God sidetracked in the middle.
One of my favorite things...
Watching a fantail play among the trees of our garden.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
I am looking forward to coffee with the girls tommorrow and a peaceful lazy long weekend ahead with no early morning soccer games - soccer is fun, but then an old fashhioned lazy Saturday is luxury
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
In the tradition of the Simple Womans Daybook
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