Saturday, June 9, 2012

Joys, Struggles and Successes

The Joys,

 I've really enjoyed reading through Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales. I was really worried from the way they are presented, but the tales we have read under the Veritas Omnibus have been reasonably light hearted and fun.

Having The Return of the King along side that for everyone could only be fun as well, now I just need to make the fruit cake and pour the tea!

We started this week re-thinking the structure of our school days, and hopefully moving towards a more relaxed, more productive day. All our skills subjects are now in the mornings and the afternoons are free for us to read and discuss.

The Struggles

 Lots of fine tuning still needed to have this work and to weed out the things we do just to make the auditor in me feel like we have ticked the boxes. Along the way we've had our misunderstandings on what has and hasn't changed, um..that audit training again, still some de-bugging to happen.

The Successes 

We managed to finish a week or at least most of a week, a short 4 day week, but a week of school! For the last few months having a houseful of teens, ballet, a home-school movie project, and a host of one off interruptions this really seems like an achievement.


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