Friday, May 7, 2010

Literature : D'aulaires myths part 5

  • Name each of the main characters of the story. Describe each of the main characters of the story.
  • Narrate the story describing what happened.
  • Draw a picture of Daedalus and Icarus escaping from the palace of King Minos use watercolors / watercolor pencils to show his winds, sun and the sea/sky
  • Narrate the story of Oedipus and provide and illustration of the Spinx's riddle.
The Golden Fleece
  • Create a comic strip of the story of the Golden fleece, showing each of the main events in the journey of the Argos.
The Calydonian Boar.
  • Read this story. No narration needed
The Apples of Love and the Apples of Discord
  • Name each of the main characters of the story. Describe each of the main characters of the story.
  • Narrate the story describing what happened.
  • Draw a picture of the Trojan horse, use watercolors / watercolor pencils to show his winds, sun and the sea/sky

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