Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcoming the New Year

Its been a relaxed and enjoyable start to the year. Usually we rise early on New Years day and watch the sunrise. This year we did something different. We let the kids stay up last night for the first time that we have ever seen the new year in at midnight as a family. And yes we need some really good New Year's traditions to make it more meaningful than "hey we stayed up really late". This morning hubby cooked Eggs Benedict for breakfast, and the sun has come out calling us to the beach later on. So far this year is clean, bright, full of promise.

I need the freshness, the clean start, the hope of a year without all the stress of the last one. I long to be free from the frustrations of the year, to find again the joy of just being alive. Our pray this year is to rediscover the joy of living life with God. OK it is much the same as last years goal, last year it seemed like we knew that was the goal, and yet we seemed to go from issue to issue. So while I fear it is a little like asking God for patience I am hopeful that this year we are a little more practiced.


Willa said...

I hope you have a very good 2010! I guess I am a bit late to wish you a happy New Year's Day -- though here across the world it is still New Years' Eve : ).

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

As I type, it is only 7:36 p.m.--a few more hours to go before the new year.

May your new year be peaceful and joyful!


Valda said...

Thanks - definitely well into the New year and enjoying it. Happy New year to you both. Valda