Saturday, April 25, 2009

Latin combining in Henle

I'm trying to soften the edges of our Latin studies and take it away from a Monday new words, Tuesday New Grammar, Wed translation etc routine to something more relaxed and more about discovery.

Actually I want to do this with all of our subjects and I think that I have gotten my head around most of the change but not all of it.

I'm looking at starting both boys in Henle. For the oldest I want to slow down the rate of new words and new ideas and master what we know - Henle does that beautifully. For the youngest its nice to have them on the same page and since he enjoys Latin and is racing through LC II I'm trusting he will cope. If he doesn't I'm happy for him to continue to self direct through Latina Christiana.

My daughter and I will continue with our verbs in Henle ... but I'm hoping for more fun and a lot less stress.

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