I think - (but then I thought I had it before) we are settling into a routine.
- Mornings for those skills based subjects - Maths, Latin, Greek Classical Writing, Copywork and Dictation
- Afternoons for block courses of Science, Literature, History, Biblical and Art. Over the ten weeks of a term we get to do two blocks in each subject.
My Engineer is still mucking about but at least in a positive way. It will take a while for him to settle down and do his work, but at least he is now enjoying it. He's trying and that's a big start. He even managed to get through the first 2 chapters of swimming creatures as a block course in the afternoons.
My youngest is still in holiday mode. He enjoys the school that he does, but he's very much aiming at getting finished before the afternoon starts. Excuse of the week - the heat got to him. Incidentally his attitude improves if I hand round the jelly dinosaurs.
The temp. has finally dropped from an average of 29 oC which is way too hot when you don't have air conditioning and are trying to think.
This is what we should probably have been imitating last week. :-)

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