But I love the freedom to stop and think through what works and what doesn't. Summer break and New Years combine into a wonderful time to rest and reflect - and it is the true upside to juggling Christmas in summertime. For me it is a pleasure to set goals, to plan, to draw aside and ask God what his plans for the year are. Sometimes I even listen. This year I want to. I want to focus on God's plans for the year because left to myself I will set the goals to high and we will all suffer to reach them.
On the agenda
The realization that I need to be patient with myself, the kids, and our goals.
The realization - thanks Dale for the Sermon last week, that God truly does want the best for us, and is not waiting to tell us we have failed, but trying to show us his unfailing, unconditional love - yes my image of God is warped, and I need to allow God to reshape my understanding of who He is.
So from growing gentler with those around me, and accepting God's love - I need to rest more in God's peace and joy, somewhere, we let go, and these feelings are strangely new. I've started to enjoy reading God's word again, so I'm looking forward to working through a one year reading plan.
Flowing from all of this, yep the tired, overweight, person in the photo before Christmas needs to shed some pounds and enjoy some fresh air. The Goal 5 - 10 kg's down. The plan - not keeping up with the kids eating requirements and getting out for walks, bike rides and gardening. There is more to it than that, but the stricter I make it the less likely aI am to keep to it.
So its official ...and the New Year has begun.

I feel just the same. I love endings and new beginnings, and the chance to start with a blank slate and plan how to fill it.
Good to here from you Willa, Happy New Year.
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