With sending my engineer to school being somewhat out of the question, and him still continuing to resist Mum's attempts at teaching he has been let loose into the world of unschooling.
There are several reasons for this but mainly the realization that as much as this tension has taken its toll on me it has also taken its toll on him.
He is constantly down about school, and while I can get him happy in individual subjects it takes a hugh effort every day to get him there. Effort that is taking a toll on the Artist - who thinks mum has become lost somewhere on the kitchen table, and the Naturalist - who knows where mum is but isn't sure he will get to spend any time with her...
So we will be giving him a break to get himself sorted out. Realize that life and the family learning pattern won't stop and wait for him to get himself sorted. His younger brother will be ahead of him within weeks. (Up to now I had been pacing the younger one to at least give the illusion of being a little behind his sibling. ) Time to realize what he is throwing away and maybe that the grass isn't really any greener on the other side of the fence.
Or if he truly is a different learner the option of plotting his own course and realizing what he needs to learn in order to be him. The latter is going to take some effort to convince me.. but just maybe he is different enough that he has a point. And isn't that the point of homeschooling.
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