Monday, August 25, 2008

What makes the routine normal?

For the last week we've managed to combine out of town guests and sickness. An interesting but regrettable combination. Its Gran and Gramp's annual visit and all the kids now have temperatures, sore throats, runny noses and are becoming couch potatoes. Fortunately the Olympics have been a distraction to the situation.

Tuesday was the last time we had any sort of routine. It has left me with the realization how important the breathing spaces in our day are. Our morning and afternoon tea, the space after lunch when I sit with a cuppa and relax, the moments before dinner when Dad comes home and we somehow re-group as a family.

Strangely many of our routines are centre on school or around food. Its strange what makes it all hang together - cups of tea or coffee or Milo and conversations or joking as we do the dishes. I used to hate dishes as a kid, now they are a respite to gather my thoughts, reconnect with the person drying/or washing and resettle.

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