Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Teacher or Mum?

As a home school mum, their is a natural tension between being a mum and a teacher. It has taken me a few years to realize that, and a couple more to understand that even though God has asked me to Teach my kids - I'm not a teacher.

The issue is complicated that my husband is... somehow the lovely man I married (I still think he's lovely) became the classic Physics teacher, complete with semi-dry wit, sarcasm, and strict discipline in his classes ...

When our school days get unsettled - his first response is that I need to be more strict. Unfortunately, I always want to see the good along with the bad, the possibilities along with the defiance and naturally give my kids the benefit of the doubt. In other words, I'm more mum than teacher. More encourager than disciplinarian.

However, my kids know this and being strong willed they take advantage of it until my plans are in tatters and I'm struggling to see the point in it all.

My current challenge is to fit it all together - trusting that God put me, my Artist, Engineer and the Naturalist together and asked us to go on this journey. So of course he must have plan. One that isn't at odds with who we are.

1 comment:

Willa said...

I struggle with that, too, and my own romanticism -- shouldn't learning be delightful and mother be a guide and mentor, not an administrator? Hard to balance!