Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This quote turned up in my daughter's dictation exercises today ...

"These roses under my window make no reference
to former roses or to better ones;
they are for what they are;
they exist with God today. "
by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

So often I wonder if the stress and drivenness I feel is simply because I want to make the grade. If I stop striving will it all fall apart or will it reveal itself in a glorious whole?


Willa said...

I am glad you have a blogger blog now, because I couldn't get homeschoolblogger to work with my feed.

I wish I had an answer to your question, but I don't : ( -- I have been wondering the same things.

Valda said...

Thanks Willa, it is much easier to work with than the Home school blogger site. I like the new look on your blog as well.