Monday, December 10, 2012

The End of a Long year

2012 has been long year. Some really neat things have happened along with a lot of stretching and change.

It seems to have had more than its share of stuff packed into it. The year reads as a haze of...

Increased responsibility for Tony at the school he teaches at with becoming project managed for putting in the new computer system, hardware and software. 

Looking after my mum following a pesky skin graft, and them hubby misjudging the white on white of fuzzy snow while skiing and messing up his knee.

Lots of ups and downs at the ballet studio, but my girl finally got a Distinction for her exam and thoroughly deserved it.

New experiences as we were graciously offered homeschool opportunities for Bush-craft, Caving, Rock-climbing etc, through the organization that certifies the outdoor education leaders.

A trip to Christchurch for the long term research project that were my youngest is involved in and which compares the development of full term and prem babies.

 Its been busy, the blog has been neglected and now it is nice to see the end of the road, Christmas and summer ahead and time to regroup.


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