Monday, August 10, 2009


We are fortunate to live close enough to the ski-fields that we can enjoy the mountain without the cost of accommodation.Yet even more importantly the mountain we live by has a policy of encouraging the local schools with cheap passes and hire. (About the cost of an adult movie pass.) and so we are blessed by the place where God has planted us.

Our journey here wasn't an easy one, sometimes it felt like we were simply running from one situation to another, looking for an elusive job opportunity, but in the end we have found ourselves in a place where we can enjoy the outdoors, tramp, swim, be filled by the beauty of Gods creation, and enjoy being the people that we are. In winter the climax of this are the three trips to the mountain that we loosely classify as PE. We ski as a family only by God's grace, as hubby and I are often in different school groups for our days on the mountain, but at least one day a year we seem to end up on the mountain together.

Our first trip of the year threatened that. Our ski area is a volcano, a sleepy one normally, closely monitored, carefully watched, and it's been quiet for the last year or so, a good year. Unfortunately we hit a lahar drill, we never have before and it took all the confidence my daughter had away. For me I would have been happy not to go back, and we have changed which runs we ski. But the drill was on the easier ski run the one that was meant to give them confidence.

When we went up on Friday we had a great day. Blue skis, beautiful white snow, lovely scenery, and with some adjustment to skis we were able to have a great day skiing. My middle boy managed to convince me to take them down a run that was long and fun with some tricky bits in the middle and soon it was my daughters favorite run. Whats more is she was keeping up with her brothers. I even got to ski behind not just follow and make sure they were all OK.

It was a great day, and as we drove there and home the sunrise and sunset filled our souls with the wonder of God's creation. It made me very aware of God's grace, that while we don't have what some of our friends, or co-workers have, we have been blessed with what will fill our souls and encourage us in God.

It was a lovely day on the mountain. (Unfortunately I left the camera in the car these are older photos)

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