Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Re-discovering School

Its ages since I've posted, somehow the redecorating got the better of me, and despite having moved more times than i want to remember and getting a house up and running in less than two weeks, this knocked us badly. Its only now that we are starting to feel settled - and all with only three days left in the school year.

School is starting to find its rhythm, late but its one of those years and finally I can smile about it.

So amongst the resettling this is what my naturalist has been up to...

Apologia flying creatures encouraged us to make a nest out of what ever we choose - only my youngest managed to get time to do this one but here is his results ....

It was fun to get back to including fun and play in our studies. Especially to let my eight year old remember he is eight.

1 comment:

Willa said...

I always look forward to your posts and beautiful photos.... hope this Christmas and this new school year are blessed seasons for you and your family.