Friday, November 16, 2007

Poetry Play

We all ended up writing poetry over the last week, so here are some of our creations

A Strange Flower

Yellow white center,
Creamy petals, green grass leaves,
Living together

Dancing in the wind,
Swaying like ballet dancers,
Gently looking up.

By Dancing Butterfly (10 yrs)

Says the mouse following the rat,
Meow, purr purr,
Said the cat looking for the rat,
Says the rat running from the cat.

By Happy Feet (7 yrs)

My Attempt,


Angry and buzzing
Rushing between the flowers,
Fuzzy energy

or inspired by one of the Iris's in the garden,.

Creamy white petals,
Cascading skirts of yellow,
Cascading iris.

I've enjoyed our times playing with poetry it's one of the highlights of this year.

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