It gave me time also to relax and schedule out the next ten weeks with all the changes that have been creeping into the curriculum during the first half of this year. I still have a couple of subjects to enter in and some changes to the timetable to make but I an happy. Along the way I tried to tweak most subjects to each child, select copy work from what we were studying, and par down those courses and books that are to heavy for my kids. All in all I feel good about what we are doing.
Dare I share the details - feel free to skip over this.
My Artist is working on not getting herself bogged down, I'm trying to be avalaible to nudge her around when she gets overwhelmed. (She's 11, a young grade 6)
- Maths - Keys to ... Decimals 4, Measurement 2, Geometery 1, or Percents 1, she can choose which at her leisure.
- Latin Henle 1 first year continuing
- Elementary Greek year 2 continuing
- Classical composition - Fable, but only 1 week per fable, and only selected parts.
- Mother Tongue book 2, part 1 Adverbs onwards and adding in Mary Daly's diagramming Book.
- Simply Spelling - dictation selections.
- Bible - the Gospels using Veritas press cards,
- History - Columbus to America, and the start of the Reformation, using Veritas and Genvieve Fosters World of Columbus and Sons.
- Literature - continuing through Tales by Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb.
- Science/Nature Apologia Flying Creatures the birds section.
- Art - Artistic pursuits and whatever else sneaks in. We cover a few artists in History and well they took over a bit.
- Maths - Singapore - My Pals book 4A
- Latin Latina Christiana 1 Hoping to finish this term.
- Elementary Greek year 1 continuing
- Classical composition - Fable, Just starting and working through a couple of re-writes for each model.
- Mother Tongue book 1, part 2 only the grammar bits and adding in Mary Daly's diagramming Book.
- Simply Spelling - dictation selections.
- Bible - Judges using Veritas press cards,
- History - Greece and Rome using the Vertias activities and Famous Men of Greece / Rome.
- Literature - continuing through d'Auldaires Greek Myths Book.
- Science/Nature Apologia Flying Creatures the birds section.
- Art - Artistic pursuits.
- Maths - Singapore My Pals level 3B trying to slow him down a little and let his brother sneak ahead.
- Latina Christiana II Lessons 1-5 spread out over 10 weeks.
- Elementary Greek year 2 continuing
- Mother Tongue book 1 part 1
- Simply Spelling - dictation selections.
- Bible - Genesis Noah to Joseph using the Veritas press cards,
- History - Egypt and Israel using the Veritas Press Cards and activities.
- Literature - Finishing Tree in the Trail and then Seabird.
- Science/Nature Apologia Flying Creatures the birds section.
- Art - Artistic pursuits.